In this article, we will delve a bit deeper into the differences in manufacturing technologies for letters. Typically, depending on the specific task, we will select and recommend the optimal technology ourselves.
This post is aimed at our advertising agency partners who order housings from us. However, it will also be useful for the average customer who wants to understand the intricacies of manufacturing their signage.
The housing, which is manufactured from “raw” aluminum, implies subsequent painting in the desired color. The front panel is attached using an internal edge (providing a slight shadow on the front panel). This technology is intended for outdoor use and where the signage is viewed from a distance.
The housing is made from colored aluminum strips. We always have colored strips in stock painted in “White,” “Black,” and “Brushed Silver.” The front panel is also attached using an internal edge (providing a slight shadow on the front panel). A colored housing offers a quicker and more economical solution. Please inquire about the availability of the desired color and depth. Other colors are also available for custom orders.
The housing is made from colored aluminum strips that are directly adhered to the front panel. This avoids shadows around the perimeter of the letter. We recommend this technology for interior light advertising, where the signage is viewed from close distances.
We always have the following profile colors in stock: “White,” “Black,” and “Brushed Silver.” Please inquire about the availability of the desired color and depth. Other colors are also available for custom orders.